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Health and Safety Test for Incompany Records - 20 questions 50% pass mark

This is a simpler test for in company training records only. The pass mark is 50% and there are only 20 questions.

If you want to sit the REHIS Elementary H&S exam then you will need to do the harder exam entry test first.

Please select the response that you think best answers the question. There is only one correct answer.

This test consists of 20 Questions

Question 1 #HSJune18_21 (Worth 1 point)

Who is required by law to make a suitable assessment of the health and safety risks to employees? (634)

Question 2 #EHSC H 9 (Worth 1 point)

A sign surrounded by a red circle with a diagonal red stripe over a symbol means (655)

Question 3 #EHSC I 7 (Worth 1 point)

When climbing a ladder what is the minimum number of contact points (hands and feet) for safety (665)

Question 4 #EHSC H 3 (Worth 1 point)

The principal piece of legislation concerning health and safety in the workplace in the UK is (662)

Question 5 #HSJune18_27 (Worth 1 point)

Which of the following actions is a health and safety enforcement officer allowed to take? (640)

Question 6 #EHSC H 30 (Worth 1 point)

An Environmental Health Officer can serve an improvement notice (659)

Question 7 #HSJune18_06 (Worth 1 point)

In order to avoid injury, it is the duty of the employer to risk assess (619)

Question 8 #HSJune18_03 (Worth 1 point)

What is the purpose of a control measure? (616)

Question 9 #HSJune18_24 (Worth 1 point)

In the risk control hierarchy, which control measure should be considered as a last resort? (637)

Question 10 #HSJune18_10 (Worth 1 point)

What is the most important thing you should do if you use a keyboard and start to experience aching wrists? (623)

Question 11 #EHSC H 25 (Worth 1 point)

Safety hats or helmets are needed on jobs where head injuries are possible from (646)

Question 12 #HSJune18_28 (Worth 1 point)

The most important reason why all accidents and near misses should be reported is to (641)

Question 13 #EHSC H 12 (Worth 1 point)

When the use of ladders is unavoidable they must always be (664)

Question 14 #HSJune18_18 (Worth 1 point)

The purpose of carrying out risk assessments is to (631)

Question 15 #EHSC H 17 (Worth 1 point)

Tinnitus may be defined as (658)

Question 16 #HSJune18_04 (Worth 1 point)

Accidents in the workplace will occur more frequently if (617)

Question 17 #HSJune18_02 (Worth 1 point)

After receiving reports of a near miss in the workplace, what should a manager do? (615)

Question 18 #EHSCH HI 14 (Worth 1 point)

The main requirements of the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations are (673)

Question 19 #EHSC HI 2 (Worth 1 point)

Why is good health and safety management important to organisations (663)

Question 20 #HSJune18_09 (Worth 1 point)

A safety sign that is rectangular with a green background and a white symbol or text (622)