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Elementary Food Hygiene (EFH ENGLISH) - practice test

This test does NOT lead to a recognised qualification. It is a pre-supervision practice test

In the REHIS exam itself the first 15 questions are slightly harder and worth 2 points each.

Select the response you think is best to the question. There is only one correct answer, either A, B, C or D

The pass mark is 60%

This test consists of 30 Questions

Question 1 #FHC-64 (Worth 1 point)

What is the main reason why good standards of hygiene in seafood factories are important ? (61)

Question 2 #FHC-40 (Worth 1 point)

Which date mark should be clearly marked on highly perishable seafood products that may be a food safety risk? (35)

Question 3 #FHC-13 (Worth 1 point)

What happens to food poisoning and spoilage bacteria below 5 °C ? (5)

Question 4 #FHC-21 (Worth 1 point)

Which of the following will NOT help to keep food safe ? (14)

Question 5 #FHC-36 (Worth 1 point)

What would you use to kill bacteria ? (30)

Question 6 #FHC-19 (Worth 1 point)

Which of the following is an example of chemical contamination ? (11)

Question 7 #FHC-14 (Worth 1 point)

What happens to most bacteria at 64 °C ? (6)

Question 8 #FHC-3 (Worth 1 point)

Which three words best describe how to avoid food poisoning (23)

Question 9 #FHC-29 (Worth 1 point)

Why should you not smoke in a food handling area ? (22)

Question 10 #FHC-53 (Worth 1 point)

Which of the following must food businesses have ? (49)

Question 11 #FHC-10 (Worth 1 point)

What are the most dangerous bacteria called ? (2)

Question 12 #FHC-9 (Worth 1 point)

In a well-run seafood processing factory where would you most likely find food spoilage bacteria ? (67)

Question 13 #FHC-28 (Worth 1 point)

When is it MOST important to wash your hands ? (21)

Question 14 #FHC-26 (Worth 1 point)

Why is it NOT ok to wear your work clothes outside ? (19)

Question 15 #FHC-25 (Worth 1 point)

Why is hygienic clothing worn by food handlers ? (18)

Question 16 #FHC-48 (Worth 1 point)

How do flies usually contaminate food ? (43)

Question 17 #FHC-33 (Worth 1 point)

What is the best way to clean effectively ? (27)

Question 18 #FHC-50 (Worth 1 point)

What is the most important feature of food handler clothing ? (46)

Question 19 #FHC-42 (Worth 1 point)

Which of these is a process that preserves seafood (37)

Question 20 #FHC-5 (Worth 1 point)

Poor hygiene practices can result in what ? (45)

Question 21 #FHC-18 (Worth 1 point)

Which of the following is an example of physical contamination ? (10)

Question 22 #FHC-17 (Worth 1 point)

What is the best practical way of keeping uncooked food safe and of high quality ? (9)

Question 23 #FHC-34 (Worth 1 point)

Poor cleaning is a good way of (28)

Question 24 #FHC-8 (Worth 1 point)

As a food handler you must (66)

Question 25 #FHC-24 (Worth 1 point)

Why should you wash your hands frequently and effectively ? (17)

Question 26 #FHC-23 (Worth 1 point)

What is the most common cause of chemical contamination of seafood ? (16)

Question 27 #FHC-15 (Worth 1 point)

To multiply, bacteria need warmth, food, water and which one of the following ? (7)

Question 28 #FHC-47 (Worth 1 point)

Which of the following is most likely to cause chemical contamination of food ? (42)

Question 29 #FHC-62 (Worth 1 point)

When is traceability of raw materials most important ? (59)

Question 30 #FHC-61 (Worth 1 point)

Food safety protects the consumer by safeguarding seafood from what? (58)